Sunday, June 2, 2013

It is PRINCIPLE! My Teeth Have Sunk In...

Sorry my last post was mostly just copy/pasting web info. I felt it was necessary to get as much info "out there" as I can. As I continue to organize my thoughts, notes and documents while typing this, I am becoming more and more aware of the actuality of what is going on! Besides, I am really hoping that some legal guru will read it and decide to help. 

In an effort to make this blog more personable, I thought I would share a little about myself. Nothing extraordinary or out of the ordinary here... just a regular person. BUT, I have to admit, I am a little abnormally skeptical, inquisitive and persistent. 

Currently I am a student of Holistic Health. Previously I had decided to pursue this endeavor, with focus on massage, to help others while doing something I believe in and love to do. What more can you ask for in a career? This will all work out just fine I am sure! Though, my drive and direction has been interrupted while dealing with our situation at hand. Purpose(s) for this blog: I hope to help fellow Americans avoid losing their homes to this prevalent scam. I'd like to help renters in similar situations. And most of all, I want to stop any of this from happening in the future! I am contemplating re-naming my blog: "How to Steal a Home." What do you think? This blog WILL expose a well-covered fraud scheme perpetrated by the "untouchables." Eventually, my career path may shift toward investigation and legal support!

Here are a couple of email correspondences with the FBI:

Shelley Olson <>

to John.Wilbur, andrew.masters, publicaffairs pastedGraphic_3.pdf

Hello John,
I received a call from the San Diego District Attorney's office on Tuesday. Steve Davis inquired about my case with Home Advocates Trustees. I know he spoke with you as well since he called me back yesterday to let me know that he would be closing the case here as it seems to be handled on your end.
Mr. Davis was also impressed with my report and asked if I had ever considered working for the FBI.
Since I was so intrigued by your compliment about my investigative skills and question of my career with the FBI, I decided to look into it further.
I am 34, have my AA degree, and am currently a student of Holistic Health. The requirements for entering FBI training is under 37 years of age with a 4 year degree. Is there any possibility of bypassing requirements with letters of recommendation? I am willing and able to continue schooling, but not sure if the timeline for completing two more years of school is possible before my 37th birthday (February 4, 2015). I LOVE researching and investigation. I am great with math, science, language skills, phone/email etiquette, and am very personable, empathetic and passionate.
Please let me know if you feel I may be able to apply now, or as a student if enrolled in a 4 year program, or as an intern or secretary. I can see myself doing this as a life-long career! Even writing this email to you now, I am ecstatic with the possibility of my new endeavor.
Also, please let me know if you need or want my assistance for any further investigation in the San Diego area. I am sure you have your sources of help, but I am itching to do anything I can to assist.
I will be in touch with you periodically until this case is resolved.
Thank you John!
I appreciate and anticipate your input.


Shelley Olson

Sent from Shelley's iPhone


to me pastedGraphic_8.pdf

Good morning Shelly,
I have told more than one person that you are an excellent investigator. You are an old fashion pit bull. When you get your teeth into something you don't quit. I like that.
Under federal law (with very few exceptions) you must be hired as a federal agent by your 37th birthday so you don't exceed the law enforcement retirement requirement at 57 years old. This applies to all federal agents FBI, Secret Service, Treasury, NCIS, IRS, Border Patrol, etc.) and a bachelor degree or more is also required.  Now with that being said there are many non-agent position within those same agencies. We have intelligence analysts, Investigative research specialists and document examiners. I know it is not as glamorous as being an agent, but I couldn't do my job without our support staff. The requirements for those jobs can vary widely between agencies. Some only require HS others an AA or a BS. Some you need a top secret clearance, others have lower or higher levels.  It depends. I remember you said your husband was getting this clearance for a job with DOD. Background investigator is another federal position.
I have a feeling that you would do well no matter that you set your mind too. You are a woman who gets what she wants. I guess you need to ask yourself "What do I want."

Let me know if you need any help is finding where the jobs are. If you decided to apply to one you can use me as a reference.

Talk to you soon.

John Wilbur
Special Agent
Washington, DC

"A woman who get's what she wants." I agree with that description! Thank you for the compliment John Wilbur! In the "pit-bull" spirit: My teeth have sunk-in. I know what is going on now. My family and I have dealt with unfathomable anguish for months. I do not wish our situation on any enemy. It is principle now and I will not quit until justice is served!

For any new readers or skimmers: Please be sure to read the posts, "Buyers Beware" and "To Summarize My Assumption- Someone is Stealing Houses!"

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